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MobX Depot


Get started
Root store
React hooks

Get started

Assuming you already have react installed...

  • yarn add mobx-depot mobx graphql

Next, enable experimental decorators in your tsconfig.json:

... // other config
"compilerOptions": {
... // other options
"experimentalDecorators": true

Generate code

  • yarn mobx-depot generate http://localhost:3000/graphql --outDir src/models
  • (You can also provide a path to a schema.graphql or introspection.json file)

This will generate a src/models directory with the following structure:

  • depot (Don't touch anything in here. generate will overwrite this whole directory!)
    • base
      • XBaseModel.ts
      • YBaseModel.ts
      • ZBaseModel.ts
    • inputs
      • SomeOperationInput.ts
    • mutations
      • SomeOperationMutation.ts
    • queries
      • SomeOperationQuery.ts
    • hooks.ts
    • rootStore.tsx
    • scalars.ts
  • XModel.ts (You can edit these!)
  • YModel.ts
  • ZModel.ts

CLI options

  • --include User,Post,Comment Whitelist object types to be generated into models (Comma-separated values)
  • --exclude UserMetadata,PostAnalytics Blacklist object types from being generated into models (Comma-separated values)

Only use one or the other, it doesn't make much sense to use both --include and --exclude.

  • --react true|false Include React utilities in generated output (defaults to true)
  • --idFieldName Name of the field used to identify object types (defaults to "id")
  • --depotDirName <name of directory> Directory that untouchable auto-generated code should be placed in (defaults to "depot")

You can reference these anytime in the CLI: yarn mobx-depot --help generate

Setup your app root

Your app will have some sort of src/App.tsx. You will need to initialize the client mobx-depot will use to make requests to your GraphQL API.

import { initializeDepotClient } from './models/depot';
// This may be different if you're not using Vite, or have some other environment variable for this.
const API_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL;
initializeDepotClient(API_URL, {
// You can pass in any options that `graphql-request` supports, however there's an extra "defaultCachePolicy" option.
// "cache-and-network" is the default, but you can change it if you want.
defaultCachePolicy: 'cache-and-network',
export const App = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
{/* ... */}

initializeDepotClient will initialize a DepotGQLClient, which is basically a wrapper around graphql-request's GraphQLClient that adds support for caching of responses.

Now you're ready to get cooking!